This session is an introduction to the Comprehensive Perinatal Services Program (CPSP) Program. The CPSP history, the CPSP philosophy of care, and an explanation of the CPSP enhanced services of Nutrition, Health Education, and Psychosocial are discussed.
Complete Handouts - 06.05.20 CPSP Virtual Training 1 (8.28 MB)
This session provides an overview of the Steps To Take (STT) Manual and how to incorporate the STT Manual while conducting a client orientation. This session includes guidance for documenting CPSP services, along with Medi-Cal billing and reimbursement.
Complete Steps to Take Manual (13.6 MB)(electronic copy needed only, do not need to print)
06.05.20 CPSP Orientation Print Materials (4.03 MB)(Zipped)
This session focuses on the CPSP client. An explanation is given on how to conduct an Initial Assessment; develop an Individualized Care Plan (ICP); utilize site-specific Protocols; and identify client strengths, potential problems, and goals for interventions and possible referrals.
Complete Steps to Take Manual (13.6 MB)(electronic copy needed only, do not need to print)
06.19.20 Presentation Slides - Pages for Notes (801 KB)
This session addresses 2nd and 3rd-trimester Reassessments, Postpartum Assessments, and how to update the enhanced services of Nutrition, Health Education and Psychosocial in the ICP. This session provides guidance for Medi-Cal billing and reimbursement for the Postpartum mother and baby.
Complete Steps to Take Manual (13.6 MB)(electronic copy needed only, do not need to print)
2020_06_26 - CPSP Orientation Print Materials (2.84 MB)(Zipped)