Environmental Exposures

  • CA Teratogen Information Service
    The Pregnancy Risk Information Line is a statewide service operated by the California Teratogen Information Service (CTIS) and Clinical Research Program. The goal is to promote healthy pregnancies through education and research. A toll-free information line is available in English and in Spanish for questions about exposures, such as medicine, in pregnancy, or while breastfeeding. Chatting services are also available.
  • Cosmetics and your Health
    Learn about the various cosmetics/personal care products you may use, how to report adverse reactions, and keep posted about important alerts.
  • Hair Treatments offers information about exposure to hair treatments in pregnancy and while breastfeeding. 
  • CDPH: Keeping You and Your Family Lead Safe

  • Reproductive Health and the Environment: Information for Families
    Find resources to help families reduce environmental exposures that may harm their health. Resources are provided by the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), Program on Reproductive Health and the Environment. Access FREE printable brochures about toxic materials, workplace safety, pesticides, healthy eating, and more.
  • Working in a nail salon during pregnancy
    This fact sheet offers suggestions on how to reduce your exposure to chemicals, especially if you work in a nail salon. These ideas can help you protect your health, your pregnancy, and your job.
  • Working in a hair salon during pregnancy
    This fact sheet offers guidance on the methods that can be used to lower the chemical exposures in your salon to levels that are as low as reasonably achievable. These strategies will help you protect your health, your pregnancy, and your job.

Domestic Violence

  • CA Partnership to End Domestic Violence
    The California Partnership to End Domestic Violence promotes the collective voice of a diverse coalition of organizations and individuals, working to eliminate all forms of domestic violence.  The California Partnership to End Domestic Violence provides referrals to local service providers, shelters, legal services and more.

Mental Health

  • Women’s Mental Health
    NIMH offers brochures and fact sheets on mental health disorders and related topics for patients and their families, health professionals, and the public. Printed materials can be ordered free of charge. Brochures and fact sheets are also digital


  • Easy Meals and Snacks
    Easy Meals and Snacks: A Healthy Cookbook for Teens contains meal-planning tips, healthy recipes and fitness tips to encourage adolescents to make more nutritious food choices through simple food preparation for themselves and their families. Available in English and Spanish and in web-friendly and printable formats.
  • Folic Acid Posters from the CDC (English and Spanish)
    CDC folic acid posters that would go nicely with a New Years' resolution theme: e.g., choose water as your main fluid choice, be physically active, or eat more vegetables PLUS consume 400 mcg of folic acid daily.
  • Folic Acid Resources from the CA Dept of Public Health
    Free folic acid pamphlets and posters provided by the California Department of Public Health, Maternal, Child and Adolescent Health Division. Available in English and in Spanish


  • Interconception Care Project
    The Interconception Care Project for California is a collection of recommendations to improve and promote the interconception health of women by maximizing care provided during the postpartum visit – an ideal, and often the only, visit to address a woman’s health before another pregnancy.
  • Pink Ribbon Sunday – A Guide for African American and Hispanic Community Leaders
    This outreach guide developed by the Food and Drug Administration provides strategies and activities that can be used to promote breast health among African-American and Hispanic women in places of worship. While focusing on mammography, the strategies provided can be useful for other breast cancer screenings and/or well-woman care.
  • Six Week Postpartum Checklist
    These postpartum clinical tools were developed by PHFE WIC as part of the WOW program.

Reproductive Life Planning

  • A Woman’s Guide to preventing or planning pregnancy (English, Spanish, and Chinese)
    Brochure about preventing and planning for pregnancy and tips for how women of childbearing age can take care of themselves. Lists resources and clinics in the city of San Francisco
  • Becoming a Parent: Preconception Checklist
    The preconception checklist is designed for people considering pregnancy to complete prior to their preconception consultation. The woman and health care provider can then review the checklist. From the Wisconsin Association for Perinatal Care.
  • Bedsider
    The National Campaign has teamed up with the Ad Council to develop a mobile program called Bedsider that provides young women ages 18-24 with information on birth control methods and guidance on using them consistently.
  • Choosing your Birth Control Method
    Need information on different types of birth control methods, how they are used and how effective they are? This information on "Choosing Your Birth Control Method" may be useful for you. Ask your Family PACT Provider to explain more about each method.
  • Life Plans for Teens
    Life plans that are designed just for teens. Choose the one that you like best!
  • Your Future and Children
    After you've had a baby it is important to consider your life goals for work, family, and health including if and when you may want to have additional children. 

Substance Use

  • Kick It CaliforniaKick It California offers free one-on-one telephone counseling in six languages, brochures and referrals to local services. Call (800) NO-BUTTS, Text “quit smoking” or “quit vaping” to 66819 or go to kickitca.org. Text messaging is also available in other languages.